Home River Bioblitz
A yearly citizen science event that invites river lovers around the world to go out and explore what lives in and around their local rivers. This event helps local river communities grow while connecting to a global community.
Citizen Scientists Celebrating Rivers
When in 2020, the pandemic made it impossible to hold an in-person Students for Rivers Camp, the team decided to go online. They however were determined to find ways to get participants outside, and with one of their ideas, the Home River Bioblitz (HRB) was born. A day where people were invited to go out to their home river to explore what lives in and around her, with the flexibility of defining group size according to local COVID regulations.
With over 40 locations in this first year, the event was received better than expectations, which was the motivation to turn it into a yearly event.
The spirit of the Home River Bioblitz is celebrating rivers and building a global community. Local leaders are free to organise the event in their style and towards their needs, but are supported by the HRB team through several workshops. One online session provides a bioblitz training to new organisers, and the other sessions cover topics like storytelling, cosmic networking, and science for policy change.
The data collected are currently mostly valuable on local level, but we are interested to hear from anyone that could or would be using these global data to paint a better picture of the status of our rivers.

Organise Your Home River Bioblitz
The Home River Bioblitz has its own website directed towards river lovers that would like to organise their own local event.
Become a Business Member
Through the Home River Bioblitz, we are building a global community of river lovers and defenders. But we cannot do this without support. Please consider partnering up with us, or do a one time donation.
Join The River Collective
Participate in a growing network of river lovers who seek to turn their knowledge into action.